Mixed Messages – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 80

The Bratessor knows all about subliminal messaging, of course. You don’t get to be a B-movie professor of his age (his chronological age, I mean, not his current physical one) without a shameful past of being involved in shadowy CIA research projects. To be revealed at the appropriate moment, usually when the long-term results of your work have messily devoured several of your students.

And the Bratessor’s past work on subliminal influence would seem bound to come back haunting him in a similar way…if the result of his research had not been that subliminal messaging simply doesn’t work to any useful degree.

Armed with this knowledge, he’s become a firm advocate of supraliminal messaging. Don’t hide your message, just frame it positively – for example, by writing it on a plate of delicious omurice served with a winning smile by a cute waitress-appearing waiter. The CIA had a lot of success recruiting agents in the USSR with this method.

And it seems like a sure enough bet here as well (at least stochastically), but unfortunately, Snuka is also sending another message – neither subliminally nor supraliminally, but simply accidentally. His skirt got hitched in his apron, revealing more of his underwear than is usually considered proper in polite company – and his current customer seems to be more aware of this message than the other one. More evidence for how important framing is to the success of a message.

The customer in question being, by the way, the gay kid that Akane und Megumi rely on for certain information. Just in case you don’t recognize/recall him – and frankly, I wouldn’t really recall him if it wasn’t in the script. XD Anyway, he has no idea that the problem currently at the forefront of his mind is not really his worst problem by far. For he’s obviously headed for World War Death…after all, why else would he show up so suddenly in the recruitment segment?

More on Thursday.

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