Snack-Attack – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 76

Well, “This is the second-adjectiviest object I have ever seen” is almost a stock joke by now. And in this context it’s also a bit off the mark – some of those protein bars are massive, but they’re not really that massive. They need to stay in a weight range that allows prospective customers to pick them up – and while the target group might have above-average physical strength, there are limits. The strongest of strongmen couldn’t lift Latho in his current form.*

As for Biff’s remark in the final panel…it’s just his opinion, of course. You don’t have to agree with him. I sure don’t fully agree with him either – in fact, there are quite a few strips of reality I wouldn’t mind getting eaten by a giant censorhip bar (or other paranormal entity) at all. >_> Might veering closer to most of them, at times… <_< But, anyway, Biff is a hero, so he doesn’t get to consider all of those beyond-black-and-white aspects. He has to defend reality as it is, even if that increasingly raises questions about his motivation… or sanity.

I’m not sure whether the fact that the strip torn out of reality/the backdrop looks like a paper strip is supposed to be an allusion to the nature of a webcomic, or more of a general case of chaos screwing with reality. I guess it works either way. In the first case, it’s also a case of breaking the fourth wall by, technically, breaking the first wall. ._.

More on Monday.

* And might also not want to, depending on what, specifically, is hidden behind (inside?) that censorship bar.

2 Replies to “Snack-Attack – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 76”

  1. Welp, yup. The team is screwed. Not only do they have to defeat Chaos, they now have to defeat the powers of and Censorship itself!

    That’s a tall order for anything, much less a B-Movie cast.

    Good luck, guys! No idea how you’ll manage it, but do your best!

    1. It does seem like a pretty tall order, doesn’t it? But knowing myself, I wouldn’t be surprised if I would let them find some way out of this somehow, illogical as it might be…I’m just weak in that regard. XD

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