Now That’s What I Call Joyous – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 73

I was going to post a comment here…but then I realized that that might have contributed to creating chaos on the internet. Or order, of course. And that’s a fight I strive to maintain strict neutrality in, because it’s the only way to live. =P

More on Thursday.

4 Replies to “Now That’s What I Call Joyous – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 73”

  1. What’s the old saying? “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get out of bed…”

    1. The fun thing is, you were actually already on to this development with your comment on strip 70, concerning fake posts and ‘trending’ accounts – that was literally what Latho was doing at that moment. XD

  2. …fuck. That’s actually really fucking CLEVER. Like, I’m actually in awe. This is a really good challenge to Mopey’s solution.

    Hats off to you, Latho! Amazing strategy.

    1. Well, it’s an established tactic in information warfare by now…but given Latho’s age, you could still argue that he might be the one who came up with it originally.

      …actually, the idea that social media were invented by Nyarlathothep makes a frightening amount of sense…>_>

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