Mopey’s question in the first panel is intriguing. Really, who would not want to kick some pink, plushy ass, or who would? It sounds like such a decadent prospect, but somehow also vaguely enticing on some deep, universal level. Frankly, I couldn’t even say, right now, whether I would want to kick some pink, plushy ass. That Mopey harbors no doubts, however, is just more prove that she’s back. On top of her explicitly saying it, even.
The Queen has some objections, on the other hand. Not necessarily against the basic idea of kicking pink, plushy ass, but rather on the underlying concept of violence being the answer. Not that she’s opposed to violence in general, of course – she’s displayed no reluctance to resort to it before. But, as she rightly points out, using violence against an entity that feeds on violence has certain conceptual shortcomings.
Mopey’s counterpoint is deserving of serious consideration, though: Violence might not be the answer – but it might be the question. And the answer might be ‘yes’. In her opinion, it definitely should be, in this specific case and every other conceivable one. The last panel makes me wonder whether she’s really back to her old self…or whether she isn’t actually worse than her old self by now? Her temporary vacation from being horrible seems to have enabled her to recapture a bit of her youthful delinquency of yore, on top of her general misanthropy.
More on Monday.