As promised on Monday, today’s strip establishes a plethora of facts about the aftermath of the Lathosplosion. This strip is definitely set on Earth, so Earth has survived! Also please take a note of the fact that it’s apparently not completely covered in caramel or chocolate(-like substance). And no free-ranging censorship around anywhere, either.
And there’s even more facts! The couple from the start of the movie has obviously survived the Chococlataclism, as well. Which is kinda surprising, since it really looked like they hadn’t even survived the start of the movie. But while the opening sequence heavily implied that those two were killed, it was never explicitly stated…and, looking back, it wouldn’t have actually made a lot of sense for Latho, respectively his spaceship/egg, to kill random strangers immediately after making landfall, so in a way these guys’ survival actually makes more sense than their heretofore assumed deaths would have made.
The story they tell makes no sense at all, of course, but what do you expect? The scriptwriter was just checking the box “provide exposition”, which he doesn’t even always do – you can’t expect him to be enthusiastic about it on top of that. Not with what he gets paid.
And while this strip definitely answers more questions than it raises (for a change), it does raise a pretty crucial one right at the end. But I don’t think that’s really that surprising… >_>
More on Monday.