Typically the rule says that a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one. But that doesn’t apply, obviously, when the target’s motive force is being supplied by Snuka – and he’s been told, clearly* that it’s his responsibility that the location of the target and the impact match up, with the impact location really not being controllable.
Discovering that relationship has allowed Mopey’s team to increase the on-target rate of their catapulted giant oranges to nearly 100% from around 5% – and helped to curtail collateral damage to any nearby castle walls. Castle walls are a catapult’s natural enemy, so they will try to knock them down if you leave them the slightest statistical chance. >_>
I’m not really sure what part this sort of experiment does play within a research project concerned with cellulitis…but I’m not a cellulitis researcher, so I’m not even supposed to know. >_>
But what I know, and you now also know, is that Mopey and her team (assumedly also including off-screen Gregory) have, somehow, survived the massive censorshipbarbarity that should rightfully have destroyed the whole solar system and a bit more. And survived it in such pristine shape that they could go right back to doing what they’re always doing in their off-time.
How this happened remains a mystery for now, but I’m still happy for having been able to use “ca-ta-pult” and “Orange Crush!” as a sound effect in the same strip!
More on Thursday.
* Snuka is pretty intelligent, so he will understand your instructions if you:
1. Clearly define and state Snuka’s specific objective
2. Explain what that objective means in the wider context
3. Assess the consequences of failure
4. Explain what part gouda is going to play in those consequences.
(All steps save 4 are optional)
AKA the “Texas Sharpshooter”: a cowboy fires randomly into the side of a barn and then paints bullseyes around everywhere the bullets hit. It’s an exercise in self-deception.
When it’s not used to deceive others, that is. XD
It’s no good for me, though…with my kind of eyesight, I probably couldn’t hit the barn to begin with. XD