Having recovered from his experiences checking on the haunted house project sufficiently to return his hair back to normal, Marumaru returns to check on the maid cafe again.
And obviously he’s trying to motivate both teams by flaunting the (alleged) good progress of the respective other team before them. What a very coach-y thing to do. He’s really adapting surprisingly well to this new role that has been thrust on him.
Progress on the maid cafe project isn’t bad as such, but it’s veered off on a slight tangent: it’s a maid and miko cafe now. After expansive costume tests, the team has decided that Snuka and Gregory can well be maids, but Biff and the Bratessor need to wear somewhat less revealing and risque outfits. There is something like looking too good in a maid outfit, apparently. While a certain amount of titillation is the core of the project, you don’t want to risk any kind of incidents happening. A fine line to walk, especially in a high school setting…and obviously Biff and the Bratessor in maid outfits were beyond that line. Marumaru’s nosebleed seems to agree – and is indeed saying something, since the scruffy ronin stereotype comes with large amounts of unspecified sexual experience of all sorts (implied to be enough to get jaded in that regard as in any other).
The solution is simple, though – Biff and the Bratessor will dress up as mikos instead of maids. That sort of outfit should be fetishistic enough for the purposes of the cafe, but imbue them with enough of a “saintly-figure-deserving-of-respect” vibe to dampen the overly sexualised aspect.
More on Monday.