Good question, really. What should our heroes do? What can they do, even, facing two of the most powerful and pervasive forces in the known universe at the same time: chaos and censorship.
And censorship seems to be behaving just like it always does: digging in and spreading out. Quickly, too.
So, yeah…our heroes would sure appreciate even the slightest of hints or bits of advice right now. But they won’t be getting it from the Professorian, which they might secretly have counted on – given how often he has fulfilled that role for them already. But this time, he isn’t available, being dead drunk tired and emotional.
Just to make that clear, it’s definitely not his habit to get himself into such a deep state of intoxication…it was an accident, caused by not properly adjusting his consumption to his current physical state. Mentally he might be an adult, and have been of legal drinking age for something like a century or more…but a phycisist of his caliber should have realized that his much reduced body volume would make a difference to the impact of the same amount of alcohol. >_> On the other hand…I can’t really blame him. Getting drunk and doing stupid things in a tavern is such an essential, even foundational, part of RPG adventuring, you can’t blame somebody stuck in a fantasy world for doing exactly that…although Mopey might feel differently about that, especially right now at the moment.
More on Thursday.
I see you’ve met my boss from 2008…
Was he also the spirit of a 130-year-old Professor stuck in the body of a pre-teen barbarian, or did he have some other excuse for his alcoholism? XD