So here is the missing Gregory – obviously also still alive, and in no worse condition than the others. Well, save for being rather severely surprised at suddenly finding himself in the spotlight – a place he’s been in so rarely before, he really isn’t at all used to it.
Which is a worse condition than Mopey and Biff are in, but still slightly better than Snuka’s condition – but Biff is so kind as to assure us that Snuka is neither dead nor dying, so by the standards applicable to him that’s a pretty decent condition.
And being on a roll with the whole kindness thing, Biff also tries to save Gregory from the merciless glare of the spotlight by volunteering to do the necessary exposition covering the time-skip. But Mopey defers in favor of Gregory’s effort, despite Biff setting it up all properly with the old “this reminds me of that” chestnut that’s a perennial favorite with B-movie script writers. Mostly because it’s cheap. >_> (Of course, there are verbose, rambling characters where such random excursion are actually perfectly in character, but they’re rare.)
Speaking of cheap…well, yes, George got those old computers from a landfill, but in his defense: he didn’t go there just to save money on props. He just has a hobby of searching landfills for a motherlode of old “E.T.” Atari cartridges – his personal method of feeling in touch with digital age history. And if he just happens across something that’ll help him save a buck or two on production costs in the process, he can hardly be blamed for picking it up. Especially since Nolan would blame him for not picking it up.
Tune in for Gregory’s big presentation on Monday!
Now I’m curious: That “random chaos” on the computer screen isn’t actually random enough to have been just mindlessly smashing a keyboard until it fills up. Also the kerning suggests that’s all actually typed out instead of just images of text pasted on the screen.
Is that actual code copied from somewhere or did you actually type out that whole screen of text manually?
Neither, actually – the text on the computer screen already came with the 3d model of the computer, which I got from blenderkit. I felt it fit the bill (of not making any obvious sense) nicely, so I just didn’t replace it (George Geekish would have done the same, I’m sure).
It’s css code, so I guess it was taken from the code of some website. The differences in brightness might be some css editors method of displaying relationships, I guess?
Lo, how I despise “situationship” as a descriptor. It’s so non-committal that it’s essentially meaningless… which is why you’ve used it correctly here.
Yeah, I’m not really sure the term serves much of a useful purpose in real life, but it’s just perfect to describe those consciously vague relationships between 2 or more fictional characters… XD