Well, Latho looks a bit differently coming out of the bath than he looked going in…but that why something like bathing is considered recreation, right? It recreates you as someone completely different, like what you used to be before you started suffering from all of that stress that made you feel like you really weren’t yourself anymore and caused the bath to be necessary in the first place. >_> In theory, at least.
And, as long as a character is canonically able to shape-change, wouldn’t it be a waste to not redesign them every now and then? Plus, some upcoming things just wouldn’t have worked as well with Latho’s older plushier form. >_>
Plus, his plushier form was only a form of maskirovka, after all – and with all of his enemies dead and buried…or dead and rotting unburied, depending…why would Latho still need to keep up any fake appearances? So that’s just another level on which he can now finally relax…
…or can he?
Seems he wasn’t expecting…
…the entirely predictable.* >_>
More on Thursday.
*He also, probably, wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition, but I’m not rolling that joke out again…