Well, here the good, old censorship bar really came to my rescue – because I had set up a standard that I couldn’t possibly meet.
I mean, the Watcher-on-the-wall (aka Humpty-Dumpty) is supposed to have observed everything and everyone since basically forever, or something very close to that in effect. What could the twins, each on their own, possibly do (to themselves) that a creature like that hadn’t seen done before? That would require them doing something completely unprecedented in the history of the universe. And, worse, something unprecedented in the field of (auto-)sexual activity – the very field in which humanity has always invested more creativity and effort than in any other one.
And the point is not that I would put it past the capabilities of the twins to go above and beyond anything seen before in that field – it’s more that I couldn’t dream up something like that. So, in the end I depicted some pretty vanilla acts and just applied the censorship bar liberally to create potential for something more outrageous taking place below.
So, yeah. Perhaps you will be able to fill in those blanks…if you are, please don’t show it to the Watcher-on-the-Wall. Seeing that sort of thing in 2d or 3d is more than enough, the Watcher would see it in 12d* or more…
More on Monday.
*I know that you can’t actually see more than three dimensions if you have more than two eyes, but it’s funny to imagine. And, hey, it’s a Lovecraftian horror, so it’s not bound to the laws of physics in the first place.
One thing the “Big Brother is watching you” crowd never accounts: there’s LOTS of stuff they don’t want to see!
Yeah, apparently social media companies by now have to provide for psychological counseling for content moderators that suffer from PTSD as a result of their job…