The Eyes Got It – Chapter 8 Epilogue, Strip 9

And this little outtake reveals how that spectacular special effect with Snuka’s extremely bulging eyes was realized. And the unexpected solution is: it was realized with the help of Lee Douglas’ real-life extremely bulging eyes.

Which would also have made it extremely cost-effective, if it hadn’t been for the many re-takes. I’d rather not put a canonical figure to how many it took to finally get this scene wrapped.

Or what they did to finally stop everyone from cracking up. I doubt that they managed to convince Theda Barer to switch to pretend kicking, that would have gone against her ethos. Back in her days in professional wrestling, she was known as a notoriously “stiff” worker…even Big Van Vader complained about her one time. >_>

Perhaps they switched in her stand-in, or they simply redid the take until everyone was so exhausted from laughing that they couldn’t do it any more.

… >_> …

<_< ...

it does look funny, though.

More on Monday.

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