One of the worst aspects of speculation is that it tends to be contagious. >_> With Mopey engaging in such a mental exercise so unashamedly, the Queen simply cannot resist the temptation to do likewise.
On the plus side, she does is so efficiently that she covers three (or two if, you consider the twins one person) characters in only one speculation, saving us at least one additional strip. Commendable! And still completely plausible – I don’t see anything in her hypothetical run-down of events that strikes me as far-fetched.
Since tentacles had been introduced as the Queen’s nemesis, a scene like the one in the second panel would have been pretty much inevitable – and it’s definitely what every connoisseur of tentacles would have looked forward to.
The next step is more speculative. But while I’m not sure whether the Queen wouldn’t have been able to save herself, her friends and subjects coming to her rescue also seems very plausible. After all, the twins have already been shown to share some sort of telepathic link between the two, and it’s quite possible that their closest friend and confidante could get in on something like that. And aside from friendship and employee-ship, royalist convictions would give them added zeal in coming to the Queen’s rescue. And given their past status as high-ranking supporters of a royalist regime, royalist convictions can, at least, not be ruled out for them – even if they’ve never given any particular demonstration of them. Nor supplied any justification…>_>
After that part, the speculation comes back to firmer ground of probability. In fact, I’m practically sure that that is exactly what the twins would be doing to save the Queen from her tentacular oppression. Naturally, the mental image alone left me deeply traumatized, so a super-sized helping of censorship bars was called for to save you from the same fate.
I just hope those censorship bars have fewer calories than a Snickers, otherwise that sort of over-use could be seriously fattening…
More on Thursday.
“I just hope those censorship bars have fewer calories than a Snickers, otherwise that sort of over-use could be seriously fattening…”
Good news then! I have a theory that Censorship Bars do in fact contain less calories! It all comes down to how you experience each sort of candy bar. A Snickers Bar exists to introduce new things (calories, peanuts, deliciousness) into your system, while the consumption of Censorship Bars fundamentally DEPRIVES you of anything new introduced into your body. It’s that critical distinction that makes Censorship Bars the only sort of candy bar that is actually considered beneficial to your overall health and physical fitness… in moderation of course. Too many dieters have starved to death over-consuming them.
Not to mention the cases of repression…
Negative calories sound like they would make the concept of censorship bars much more attractive, but I’d that that would only aggravate the problem with censorship in general: that it doesn’t leave you satisfied, and instead only increases your yearning for whatever it is trying to supplant. So you might lose weight eating censorship bars, but are likely to gain it back and more with later, and inevitable, overindulgence.
And there’s another negative health impact of censorship bars: they interfere with peoples ability to maintain sexual health, simply by getting in the way. XD