Tough Choice – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 74

And so Chaos has returned to its rightful place of dominance. Which, as Latho helpfully points out, it has occupied since the beginning of time, or perhaps even slightly earlier than that.

So Chaos is truly ancient, more ancient than anything…and Latho makes full use of that scope by invoking a truly ancient movie: Ghostbusters. I mean, that flick came out in 1984, can you imagine? Younger readers might not be aware, but we already had movies back then. Talkies! And most of them were in color…although…well, let’s say that some of the color choices specific to the eighties were a bit…well.

I’ve ripped the dialogue for panels two and three straight from the movie, since the mechanism remains the same: Latho offers the heroes to choose the form he is going to take in order to wipe them out. And Mopey immediately understands that and tries to get her friends to empty their minds in order to undercut that plan.

Just like in the movie, she’s bound to fail. Originally, my script called for only the twins not being able to banish one specific though they’re constantly preoccupied with – since that has been thoroughly established already. But then it occurred to me that Biff would also face a problem, of a completely different nature, with being asked to empty his mind. An ironic one, in fact: the old version of Biff could have followed that request quite easily, since his mind only rarely was not empty. But going back to that kind of condition is a horrible thought for the new Biff…and one thought is already a thought too many.

But it’s still not Biff’s thinking that’s going to be the problem, obviously. No, the problem remains that the twins can’t stop thinking of something…some thing they’re apparently always thinking of. What might that be? I have to wonder…>_>

Perhaps…or rather, likely…you might already have an idea what that might be. >_> Or more likely, you most definitely already know it for certain. <_< But I still feel honor-bound to turn this into a cliffhanger…

Rest assured, though: the one thing the twins are constantly thinking about is not the Stay Puft! Marshmallow Man. Whether that’s for better or worse remains to be seen…on Monday.

4 Replies to “Tough Choice – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 74”

  1. …if the final boss is just a giant Censorship Bar, the party may be screwed. It’s impossible to fight something if you can’t grasp the true nature of it’s attacks.

    I mean, unless you’re an Earthbound character… but we seem to have a shortage of those.

    1. There’s really not a lot I can say on that at the moment – simply because your prediction is not really terribly far off the mark… XD

  2. The irony of trying not to think of Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man resulting in thinking about the movie it’s from and then manifesting the great destroyer that was THAT Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man.

    1. That’s something that could have worked, of course, but I decided to go down the more obvious route, as far as the twins’ thoughts are concerned. XD

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