Well, as I already said in the last panel (or rather wrote), this Valentine’s Day Special happens to fall into a somewhat awkward spot in the story, especially with regards to love and romance.
I mean, Mopey has just recovered from a bad case of loving feelings, and feels so much better without them! And the way she tried to reframe/renegotiate her relationship with Gregory downward wasn’t exactly setting a nice Valentine’s Day mood either…and the same goes for the others’ reactions to that.
The only cast members still on reasonably good footing with the concept of love are really the twins…
…but somehow it didn’t feel right to make them the center of the Valentine’s Day episode. >_> And it’s no big loss for them, since every day is Valentine’s Day in their personal world.
The only bit of material left to work with was the leeway accorded to Gregory under his renegotiated relationship deal…and the only potential target left over for that was Biff. So, yeah…to make up for all of it, I at least made it all go down in the proper and stereotypical way applicable to the magical girls genre and anime/manga in general…
Happy Valentine’s/Single Awareness Day, everyone.
More on Thursday.
In fairness, if you focused on the twins, it’d be a panel completely covered up by Censor Bars (TM) and with the words “Happy Valentines Day!” just barely visible.
Which in counter-fairness, means you would have had an excuse to do less work. 😛
I actually did consider something along those lines for a moment…but then I felt that a ‘special’ ought to take an at least somewhat positive attitude toward the holiday being celebrated, and somehow the twins doing something unspeakable that is also un-depictable seemed not to precisely fit the alleged spirit of Valentine’s Day. XD