Valentine’s Day Special 2025 – Chapter 9, Act 1, Strip 83

Happy Valentine’s Day/Single Awareness Day Everyone!

Poor K’ip, but there was no avoiding this. A boy who’s cute, clever, athletic and sensitive all at the same time*…and then he’s also a cat on top of it? There’s absolutely no way he isn’t the #1 secret heartthrob of his school…and all of the neighbouring ones, too. A deluge of candy is just the natural outcome of this, much of it handmade. And, ironically, he can eat very little of it, since chocolate is toxic for cats. But I’m sure Snuka will help him to commercialize that abundance of chocolate in some clever way, and perhaps he’ll even make back the $ 200 he spent on Monday in the process.

For the second half of the Valentine’s Day special we’ll have some GL, to make up for Snuka forestalling the BL. It’s odd that Mopey wasn’t aware that it were her besties who’re assigned to the lesbian subtext…I mean, nobody told her, but shouldn’t she have been able to guess that easily? She’s not normally that naive…but perhaps she’s suffering from the same kind of apparent-age-related increase in innocence as the Bratessor.

Obviously, the relationship between Akane and Megumi is still at a very early and very awkward stage. Megumi can bring herself to act on it, but only on condition of anonymity. Which, of course, she could have done by just leaving the chocolate in Akane’s locker, instead of doing this whole distraction-and-sneaking thing…but it’s way more cinematic this way. Only drawback is that Akane has to run with the idiot ball and pretend to suspect that a bird or squirrel has tapped her on the shoulder. But, hey, justifiable as B-movie level script-writing.

All in all, a cute scene…and thus quite different in tone from would have happened if today’s update would have featured Snuka in a maid outfit in combination with Hiroki’s raging boner. Perhaps those $ 200 were well spent, after all. XD

More on Monday.

*And wealthy, I suppose, even if I’m not sure how much 99,999 gold coins are worth in Canapanese dollyen.

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