The first five panels serve only to confirm the fact that Latho/Censorship Bar is indeed growing while it’s being attacked. Which shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, actually, since the Queen mentioned earlier that he consumes violence. Somehow, it seems our heroes have overlooked that somewhat pertinent fact in the course of framing their strategy.
The sixth panels mostly confirms that I’m mentally unwell…since, Gods, this could easily be the most bizarre panel I’ve created for this strip. And, sad to say that’s not actually a low threshold. ._.
I’m not sure whether Earth is really the most violent planet in the universe, but I sure hope so. I mean, it would be sad if other planets had to deal with the same or even higher levels of it, wouldn’t it? So I’d rather thing we’re the exception, rather than the rule.
More on Thursday.
But embracing the power of love to solve this problem will, at a minimum, convert Mopey back into another character; something I’m pretty sure she’d hate so much she’d sign up with Latho just to avoid. So, the alternative would be… uh… Girl!Biff makes a triumphant return?
He’s already much more emotionally regulated and intune with himself now. Those are feminine attributes by both 1980s/1990s anime rules *and* schlock movie rules. Also, it’d be nice to see something mildly humiliating happen to Biff. Biff seems like the kind of guy who’d roll with those punches these days, just like he used to roll with real punches.
Just kidding, you’ve got this sorted out and I really doubt that’s the answer.
It’s definitely a good answer, and I could see it working out like that…but, yeah, I’ve gone into a different direction already. Something that doesn’t rely on the power of love…because Mopey never really warmed up to it, Ma-Ti is copyrighted and the opposite of chaos is order, rather than love.
I would agree, though, that Biff would be less disturbed at being turned into a pink princess than Mopey, at this point in time. He would feel a bit embarrassed by the short skirt, perhaps, but his newly engorged brain would keep telling him that “gender is just a societal construct”. XD
For what it’s worth, that sixth panel looks like it took a lot of work to distort a censorship bar enough to look like a chubby bunny but still be recognizable as a censorship bar.
It was surprisingly easy, actually – I used the 3d-model of Latho I had created earlier, used a spherical distortion on the mesh and then just transferred the texture from the censorship bar model to this one. XD
Geeze Latho, you really let yourself go, didn’t you?
I retract what I said about Censorship Bars being the only healthy candy bar…
Well, technically the censorship bar doesn’t need to be fattening just because it can grow fat itself… XD