Well, it’s Biff’s turn now…but she also doesn’t manage to have much of an impact on the score.
Because I guess this particular confrontation is another draw…although you could credit K’ip with a moral victory, at least. He’s clearly, proudly, and appropriately smugly demonstrating the superiority of cats over hairless apes, at least as far as keenness of the senses is concerned.
It’s a bit unfair to Biff, though…she hasn’t had a lot of opportunity to show off the usefulness of her magic cloak up to now, at least not on-screen. And then she gets it here, of all possible situations, where her cloak actually isn’t of any use at all. No degree of invisibility is going to be any help in trying to sneak up on a cat, unless your cloak of invisibility also masks your sound and your odor, and somehow prevents you from displacing any air when moving.
That’s not to say that it’s impossible to sneak up on a cat. But Biff has never had one, so she isn’t aware that all it would take is placing a bowl of food in front of K’ip, and his awareness of anything else around him would plummet like a rock.
And, yeah, that’s how K’ip keeps clean. It might seem off-putting, at first, but look at it this way: it does provide a plausible explanation on how he can maintain basic hygiene on such a long and arduous trip, which is a lot more than can be said in the case of a group of human (or humanoid) adventurers. There is a reason why this question usually remains unaddressed in RPGs… >_>
More on Thurs…uh, Monday.
I’m waiting for a moment when they realize they can all attack him at once.
Tactical thinking is only as deep as is convenient for the plot.
It’s the same reason why the big bad sends only their weakest minion to deal with the hero at first instead of, say, their strongest minion or just all of their minions at once. If the big bad did the former, it’d be boring to watch the hero curbstomp all the other minions. If they did the latter, the movie would become too short.
If the plot were written better to avoid all those shortcomings, it wouldn’t be a B-movie. 😛
Exactly, and it works on the plot’s second level, too – RPGs generally have the very same effect, for very much the same reason. The typical RPG villain sends out the weakest and wimpiest of his forces to tackle the task of actually conquering the world, while keeping all of his big guns behind in a tight circle around his private quarters. Which you could interpret as cowardice, rather than tactical incompetence, if it weren’t for the fact that the typical RPG villain tends to be more powerful than all his forces combined… XD
Yeah, like skyblueelite said…that would be a level of tactical competence you couldn’t find in a B-movie even if it was about Napoleon Bonaparte meeting Alexander the Great. XD