Well, our friends are back home and, as the experienced time traveller says, there’s no time like home!
And while Dr. Dutchman Fu was never overheard saying that his home was his castle, his home fortunately was a reinforced-concrete hide-out with extensive security features, giving our friends not only a safe time but also a safe place to return to. Pity about the rest of the world, though, being overrun by zombie samurai, and all that.
But that tiny little problem shouldn’t be too difficult to fix. Gregory isn’t a bad guy, after all, he just couldn’t help getting a little bit hungry after standing on watch for a couple of years…for ‘friends’ that simply packed up and left without thinking of him. You can’t really blame him for biting some guy or five, out of hunger and frustration on top of it. He didn’t plan on causing a samurai-flavored zombie accopalypse, it’s just kinda hard to keep these things in check once they get going.
Forgetting Gregory would seem to indicate a certain absent-mindedness on the part of the Professor, but then, he is a Professor, elderly, and had spend many hours grading essays a short while before that incident. So it’s not really too difficult to understand. Still, if he needs somebody to commiserate with, he could just stop by in the 2nd Boer War era again, on the way back from Japan – on December 10th, 1899, British General William Gatacre ‘mislaid’ 634 of his soldiers in that way on a night march, leading to their capture by the Boers.
More on Thursday.