The Verraderlijk Plot of Dr. Dutchman FuCertificate of Death – Intermission, Strip 2 Posted on by Leave a Comment on Certificate of Death – Intermission, Strip 2 Select...Fiat Luxus – Intermission, Strip 15 (and final) Only with the lights out. – Intermission, Strip 14 Dimwit – Intermission, Strip 13 short-age of enlightenment – Intermission, Strip 12 Vocationally acquired phosphorescence – Intermission, Strip 11 Dark horizon – Intermission, Strip 10 The new Whore of Babylon revealed – Intermission, Strip 9 Moo. – Intermission, Strip 8 Afterafterafterthought – Intermission, Strip 7 Unlocking the Past – Intermission, Strip 6 Waggalaohveyah – Intermission, Strip 5 The Tacky Mahal – Intermission, Strip 4 An old man sits in his study. It just so… – Intermission, Strip 3 Certificate of Death – Intermission, Strip 2 Tuf, tuf, tuf break – Intermission, Strip 1 Finally back to where they started – Chap. 5, Final Strip (Act 4, Strip 87) A call from the present, and the past. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 86 Use your head to save your heels. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 85 Countless companions – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 84 Trust, but berry pie. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 83 Re-covering – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 82 Like Beckham – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 81 The Jazz Singer – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 80 Glucklicherweisen sie alle sprechen deutsch – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 79 Collateral Damage – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 78 Exit stage downward – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 77 I M P R E G N A B L E – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 76 Staring at the wall – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 75 So he strikes…like Thunderball… – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 74 Winnie the Groo – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 73 Caught the bullet (technically shell) – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 72 Don't yank my chain! - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 71 Figuring out the numbers – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 70 With compliments – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 69 Not referring to the golf club – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 68 The wellspring of electronics – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 67 Puppy-dog eyes! – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 66 The Appendices fill another bomb. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 65 Beyond belieb – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 64 Heil dir im Siegerkranz… – Kap. 5, Akt 4, Sequenz 63 What's swerve for the goose... - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 62 The one that was pointlessly bataviphobic – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 61 Plan B, now featuring MORE EXPLOSIVES – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 60 I'm a poor, lonesome cowboy... - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 59 Crumbling on plan – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 58 Sir Justin rises – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 57 Pizza's here! - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 56 Happy New Year 2015 – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 55 Fond recollections – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 54 Christmas Special 2014 – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 53 At last the 1948 story – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 52 Cheesy poetry – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 51 The same procedure as last year? – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 50 Finding the right words – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 49 There and back again – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 48 Scream louder with gouda! – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 47 No comment – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 46 Gouda! – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 45 Planning way ahead – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 44 Wong about the future – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 43 Two Wongs don't make it right - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 42 Line form on the left, please. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 41 Forced movement – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 40 Tonight on "It's the Mind!", we examine... - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 39 And the mystery celebrity is… – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 38 Halloween Special 2014 – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 37 Repeat performance – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 36 Xpsitie – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 35 Meanwhere, elsewhile. – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 34 End of the road – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 33 Lightshow – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 32 Laughing sick – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 31 Cheesy disguise – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 30 Do andmoids dream of electric Shemp? – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 29 What he does best – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 28 Dreams are a different world – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 27 Blurry dreamscape – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 26 SOREM – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 25 Practical and portable – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 24 Gizah in Natal – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 23 Didn't stick the landing - Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 22 No country for old men – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 21 Odor signature – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 20 Slight miscalculation – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 19 Bob the Boulder – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 18 Fire in her eyes – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 17 Uncertain language – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 16 Missed it by a letter – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 15 Classic word problem – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 14 Like a childhood Saturday – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 13 Fandumb – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 12 Running in place – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 11 Taking the cross – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 10 The insidious lure of Italian coffee – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 9 Does not compute – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 8 Too much of a good thing – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 7 Pump my ride – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 6 The fiendish device of horror of Dr. Dutchman Fu – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 5 Not actually terribly appropriate for the time – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 4 The plan behind the plan – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 3 Out of the office notice – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 2 Flashback to back after being back to the Future – Chap. 5, Act 4, Strip 1 An unexpected intermission – Chap. 5, Intermission, Strip 1 Very happy, but very end? – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 40 And on the other side of the mirror… – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 39 A timely meet-up – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 38 One little piggy, two little piggies… – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 37 Detour back to the roots – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 36 Eyebrow! – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 35 Mopping up – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 34 Pop Quiz! – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 33 Rollercoaster of emotion – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 32 Ms. famous female Ninja – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 31 Test to best – El Cid version – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 30 Test to best – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 29 Obvious reaction – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 28 Double the vision, double the fun! – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 27 Fallacious Visualization – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 26 Much-needed break – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 25 Meanwhere, at the same outside of time – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 24 Death from above – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 23 Luger P(upto)11 – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 22 A delicate moment – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 21 Do you get the banana sketch? – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 20 The adam of destruction – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 19 Better just crane your neck… – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 18 You see it better with the inner eye. – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 17 Peeka-Boo – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 16 Shrug it off. – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 15 If you've seen one Snuka.... - Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 14 Say goodnight, Polly. – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 13 Time to catch up – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 12 Similar effect than a Gom Jabbar – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 11 Yes, it is! – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 10 Creeping toward the summit – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 9 Bone of Contentedness – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 8 The wind sounded like a moan for a moment… – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 7 Weakest link in the chain of events – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 6 Take dat, Takeda. – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 5 Get Thee to a Ninjery! – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 4 Try to rice above it – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 3 Missed it by a letter – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 2 Put, put, put, put, put, put. – Chap. 5, Act 3, Strip 1 Back in time – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 29 Fiddler on the loose – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 28 Unmovable object, music edition – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 27 You spin me right round, baby – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 26 Sede vacante – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 25 Right guard, right choice – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 24 Shin, shin, put one in. – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 23 Trail Mix – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 22 Pitstop – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 21 Chiswick, fresh bull! – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 20 Just trust the Baracca family crest – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 19 Stand to reason – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 18 For cheap exposition, call Lydia – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 17 Hint, hint – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 16 The Kill from before West Hill – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 15 Daydream believer – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 14 Get thee to a nunnery! – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 13 Well, he could still work for CBS – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 12 Thanksgiving Special – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 11 When are we? – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 10 Put, put, put. – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 9 The cat came back, but the dog had left – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 8 Booby balance – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 7 The big divide – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 6 Scary movie – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 5 You have got to be carefully taught – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 4 Halloween Special 2013 – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 3 Prepare for trouble – make it double! – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 2 Habeamus Castor – Chap. 5, Act 2, Strip 1 Dramatic drama of drama. – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 27 The famous seven seconds – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 26 Bladder blunder – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 25 Flaring impatience – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 24 Timely considerations – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 23 Blablablatimetravelbla – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 22 For everything else, there is Mastercard – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 21 Slip of the tongue – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 20 Third time is the charm – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 19 Weather eyed holiday observation – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 18 Needle in a guystack – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 17 Modular facility design – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 16 The Kill from West Hill – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 15 Playing hard-to-get – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 14 Deja Vu, that strange feeling you… – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 13 Finish him! – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 12 Squid pro quo – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 11 Still better than Groucho glasses – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 10 Enter the Dread Doctor – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 9 Life-action Cluedo – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 8 Those proudly exccentric Englishmen – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 7 Dramatis personae – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 6 We're getting the band back together - Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 5 The Verraderlijk Plot of Dr. Dutchman Fu – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 4 Timely call – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 3 A kink in time saves nine – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 2 A new Beginning (cont.) – Chap. 5, Act 1, Strip 1