Well, I guess I painted myself into a corner with this one, didn’t I?
Given how ‘existential’ the nemeses to the individual characters have been up to now…well, I mean, possibly excluding the giant cheese wheel*…there was no real alternative to having Biff confront himself. The older, pre-nowadays!Biff!Biff. The being he once was, and now could never imagine wishing to ever be again. His hidden shame from the past. The physical equivalent of cringey, teenage social media posts resurfacing. You know: good, old, Biff.
A clear choice on the existential(ist) challenge front, for sure…the problem is just, how is old Biff going to be anything like a challenge to new Biff? Foolishly I decided not to take most of Biff’s muscle mass away when I gave him that massive intellectual upgrade, so old vs. new is a seriously unbalanced face-off now. One guy who’s smart enough to use his physical attributes to greatest advantage versus one guy who…well, has physical attributes.
I’d probably been better off breaking with the existentialist theme and just have Biff jumped by an even bigger wheel of Gouda than the one that menaces Snuka…
More on Thursday.
*It’s borderline, though. Gouda might not have had a huge impact on the core of Snuka’s psyche, but it did have a huge impact on a core element of his physique. Repeatedly. For a century. If that’s not outright existential, it’s at least pretty close to it.
You could go with original-flavor!Biff having his jock-stupidity luck going in his favor. I.e. doing things so stupid they end up working in his favor.
Or just be completely unfair and have current-flavor!Biff actually go up against ALL his previous movie iterations since technically they were ALL dumb except for his current iteration.
There’s actually a lot I could do, from giving old-style!Biff a high luck stat to just assuming that he’s still the better fighter due to being more ruthless in the application of power than his more intellectual version…
…the problem is that I don’t actually want dumb!Biff to win, because any world in which he does is not the kind of world I’d like to live in. And, unfortunately, I do frequently suspect the world I live in to be that kind of world, anyway… ^_^;