Gregory seems to still be struggling with his presentation a bit, but overall he’s doing fine. He looks pained, but that’s only because the Halloween episode has been purged from the timeline and his memory, so currently he’s blissfully unaware of how much worse this whole thing could be going for him right now. If he had that little bit of perspective available, he’d be feeling much better right now…
He’s quite correct regarding that mix-up of abstract concepts, though – of course love is not the opposite of chaos. Love is the opposite of order, as Gregory suspects. ._. Or, at least that’s how I interpret his words. And given what we’ve seen of his love-life, it would be perfectly logical for him to come to that conclusion, wouldn’t it?
Latho, meanwhile, sets about undoing some of the damage he’s done, and that without the availability of any force multipliers. Repairing stuff is generally a lot more effort than breaking it, so having to forego the use of magic on top of that really hurts…but then, Latho was the villain until quite recently, so a little bit of hurt being inflicted on him doesn’t seem entirely out of bounds.
As for Azatoth, he’s changed from being the Demon Sultan to being the Demon Grand Vizier. Which is so obviously not going to make anything better that I was tempted to save this development as a stinger for the very end. But it kinda fit better here.
More on Thursday.