Well, I had my doubts about 8-Megadork-8’s aptitude* for air combat from the start. >_>
Partly because of its somewhat inefficient-looking propulsion system…and partly because plot conventions unambiguously call for a defeat on the first attempt, as demonstrated before in this space. Demonstrated repeatedly, in fact, since these rules are just so strict and unchanging.
Latho’s point also stands, of course – recycling footage of the Titanor-Twin’s first victory for depicting their second one saves effort. Animation effort on the hypothetical movie level, but also drawing effort back here in webcomic reality. =P
And speaking of effort, particularly small amounts of it, another positive side-effect of all of this parsimony is that Shinji currently finds himself doing a pretty simple and easy job. Which he very much appreciates, thank you – his general feeling is that his circumstances far too rarely properly reflect his personal lack of ambition, so he’s happy whenever that happens.
More on Thursday.
* Not to be confused with altitude, which also plays into the issue of air combat, but on a different level.**
** “Altitude” – “different level”, get it? =P
Just use a footage of any Super Robot Wars game.
(Disclaimer: not “any” any game. A modern enough any game that has better graphics and special effects)
I might pick up Super Robot Wars 30 once it’s deeply discounted…I feel drawn to the series, but not enough to pay full price for it. XD
I actually preordered it. And only finished it last month,
I ended up buying it at a discount in this year’s Steam Summer Sale. It’s pretty entertaining, but since I play it only occasionally, I don’t really make rapid progress…I do get introduced to a lot of franchises I hadn’t known before, too.
You can tell that last panel is a retake because for some odd reason Latho’s “hair” (head fur?) is now spiked up and hair & makeup touched up its eyelashes (also maybe the eyebrows, they seem thicker at least).
Yeah, my inconsistency in depicting Latho is totally a planned homage to B-movie production standards…and not just poor standards on my own part. XD =P
In all honesty, though, the official reference sheet for Latho does feature the spiky hair…but, somehow, that detail had a particular tendency to slip by me, and in the end it was absent more often than present. ^_^;
Should have led with some awesome theme music!
Yeah, the music as such is great…as for the dialogue/lyrics, though…
Well, let’s say it takes a really veteran voice actor to deliver lines like “alien galaxies from beyond space!!!” without cracking up. XD