To remove any doubt that Mopey is really back to her old self in each and every regard, today’s episode delivers her explicit statement to that effect. Augmented by a vivid surveillance picture of her heart, safely secured with even more and thicker chains then ever before. As Yumoto Hakone would put it: “Love is over.”
While Mopey is quite happy with her re-established state of lovelessness, it does cause a bit of an issue concerning the precise status of her relationship with Gregory, up to now considered to be her boyfriend. Which is a status that might normally benefit from at least a modicum of love.
But as you can see, if you address that sort of issue openly and talk it out with each other in a frank and direct way, everything can become…even more muddled, vague and ambiguous than before. The cornerstones of Gregory’s current relationship status after today’s episode: he isn’t in a relationship with Snuka, and he isn’t not in a relationship with Mopey. Everything beyond that is subject to the whims of Dr. Heisenberg.
Not sure regarding the twins, for example. Their signaled approval might only reflect their expert* opinion on the fundamental idea of Gregory’s new relationship model, but…well, he doesn’t exactly look like a third twin, but he doesn’t look starkly different from that, either. *shrug* I really don’t know, I’m not an expert in all of these new-fangled relationship concepts myself. I guess as long as there’s balance, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a static or a dynamic balance…
More on Thursday.
* Well, they’ve got a lot of expertise in the field of unusual relationships, don’t they?
Not being an OFFICIAL bitch doesn’t make you any less of one Snuka. One might even argue that putting a collar on you and treating you like a pet would be A STEP UP from your current status of a universal butt-monkey.
Well, it’s a well-known and very consequential fact about the human mind: the fear of losing is nearly always greater than the fear of not gaining. Applying this to Snuka’s (unfortunate) situation, it’s quite natural for him to be more bothered by some potential new humiliation than by the good, old humiliation he’s already accustomed to. XD
Or, well..he just might not be into Gregory…