Short technical intermission – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 65

This one is a special strip which I squeezed in, based on a friend’s comment on the last strip.

Originally, I had planned for Mopey to use the group chat without any issues, but that comment was not only very funny as such, it also rang very much true – assuming that Mopey isn’t using that app regularly (which seems a safe bet, seeing her distaste of having to use it), it would be actually highly unrealitstic for the app to just start working without any hassle.*

If she hasn’t used the app for more than three days, an update would be the least thing that’s required – and she’s lucky it’s not one that requires her to get a newer phone from the get-go. To appease the gods of monetization, requiring a sacrifical offering of personal data is also common…and then following that up with more blatant commerzialisation, like ads or a rewards program. At least they’re honest enough to call it “our rewards program”, since it’s them that are getting the rewards. >_>

Fortunately, in this case the app doesn’t cause anything worse than delaying the saving of the universe by a little while…and getting Mopey into a bad mood, which at least isn’t a terribly rare condition for her to be in. The phone will remain undamaged, despite the record-setting toss in the final panel: Mopey has created so much order around her that the walls surrounding her are only metaphorical, and the phone couldn’t shatter on impact in any case, since that would add too much entropy. =P

More on Thursday.

* And everyone knows what a stickler for accuracy realism I am. >_> <_< …which just shows how wrong common knowledge can turn out to be…

2 Replies to “Short technical intermission – Chapter 8, Act 3, Strip 65”

  1. You honor me, using my jokes! :o)

    Way back in the 90s we had AOL. You would login, then get a “do you want to update?” screen with yes/no. If you clicked “no”, it would remain on the screen and not allow you to advance until you clicked “yes”. Then it would take several minutes to update, log you out, and make you do the whole thing again.

    Now, when Microsoft wants to install some useless extra feature or tracker, it’ll sneak it into the background and screw with your sound or mouse settings to force you to reboot, then apply the “update” without your consent.

    1. I’m happy to hear that you consider that an honor…confused about it, admittedly, but also happy. XD

      And, yeah, the constant updating is a real pain on computers and cellphones…but even worse is the fact that all kinds of appliances and infrastructure needs an update pipeline these days. Which, even without any malign intent, can lead to things ceasing to function for no other reason that an interrupted connection or a buggy update…and on top of that, it leaves a huge amount of vulnerabilities for cases where the malign intent is not absent…

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