Vijic the Artisté – Chapter 8 Epilogue, Strip 6

It’s in the nature of conceit that the mere lack of anything to feel conceited about doesn’t stop you from doing it. Therefore it would be wrong to assume that all B-movie actors are naturally as humble as their lot in life…or their acting ability.

Partly based on Claude Rains (who, of course, was definitely an A-class actor) allegedly at first turning down the lead in The Invisible Man with the argument that it was “a Frankenstein”. He ultimately reconsidered and took the part, which turned out to be a wise move for his career. Whether that change of heart happened because he had belatedly realized that H.G. Wells and Mary Shelley weren’t exactly the same, or some other reason, isn’t really known. Reportedly he was somewhat dismayed when he learned that his face wouldn’t be visible in the movie, which would seem to imply that he still hadn’t read the novel at that point in time. Or the script. Or, really, just the title on the cover of the script. >_>

Anyway, I felt it was appropriate that at least one of the members of my fictional cast should have…uh..a heightened sense of his personal artistic integrity, and my choice for that fell on Gregory/Vijic Vuvkov. Mostly just because his looks seemed to fit the character type best.

More on Thursday.

2 Replies to “Vijic the Artisté – Chapter 8 Epilogue, Strip 6”

  1. “Just think of the suffering by everyone who suffered. Because suffering is bad to suffer. And badness should never be suffered by anyone, much less everyone…” and other Kamala Harris quotes.

    1. Oh, actually I don’t think that Vijic’s problem is thinking, or pretending to think, too much about others. More like the opposite. XD

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