Yeah, the Professor is happy that Biff’s new girlfriend is functionally equivalent to a prostitute, because that makes his predictions at least halfway accurate. So much for personal integrity vs. scientific integrity. For the Professor, sience always wins.
Anyway, Busty supplies us with a short run-down of “The Romance of Biff and Busty”, an amorous farce in one (repeated, sexual) act.
I apologize for Busty’s speech seemingly coming from her chest instead of her mouth, but that’s the result of a focus group test – after being shown clips of Busty speaking, the majority of test subjects was left with the impression that that’s where her voice is coming from. As a carbon offset to that, I’ve similarly shifted the point where Biff’s voice emerges to the body part he does most of his thinking with.
…come to think of it, they are kinda made for each other, aren’t they?
More on Thursday.