The beginning of a new act is a delicate time, and in order not to risk any screw-ups, I’ve decided to rely on some rather ‘time-honored’ guidance…
Since the main focus was to be on something new, I’ve first started off with something old – stock footage from the last chapter, which also nicely fits the B-movie theme. And then I’ve “borrowed” KAITO Shion from Vocaloid, so that base is covered – and his scarf and accents cover the “something blue” base, as well, so it’s two for the price of one! Which, in itself, also suits the B-movie theme. Thus, a choice that manages to be completely random and highly economical at the same time.
The silver sixpence in Snuka’s shoe is not depicted, but let me assure you that it’s there. Which is probably kinda irritating to him, but I don’t think that’s contributed markedly to the accident implied in the final panel. If only because there was no way that accident could have been avoided, since protagonists who are late for school on the first day of classes, racing down the street with a piece of toast in their mouth, always get into an accident when they reach the next corner, or have you ever seen any different outcome? Come to think of it, I could have declared that turn of events to be “something old” and skipped the stock footage. Oh, well… …anyway, the chapter and its second act are now officially married.
More on Monday.