Well, since I set this one up, I had no choice but to utterly abuse it, didn’t I? So, watch out, Gouda! Snuka is packing 14 inches! And that’s only the calibre.
It’s quite a stretch, of course…not only for the fabric of that bag, but particularly for it. It’s also a stretch for plausibility, but Snuka is effectively deflecting some of that by focusing of the size of the bag. Because, honestly, the stretchability of that fabric is the smaller issue – the size and weight of that gun turret would be much larger ones.
The weight wouldn’t be much shy of a thousand metric tons, depending on the specific type. That’s…probably a bit much for an average Japanese highschooler to carry. Admittedly, there are some average-looking highschoolers in manga/anime that could, but they are clearly in the minority.
The volume would also be a problem, particularly on the train during rush hour. Tokyo trains are cramped and overloaded enough as it is…
On the more practical side of things…how does he even fire those guns while holding the turret like this? Did he…carry the whole gun crew along? And how about ammunition supply? He didn’t bring the armored barbette and the magazine along, obviously, so he’d only have the on-hand ammunition to use…oh, well…
And, yeah…making a suitable selection for Snuka’s ultimate nemesis, from his long, long list of enemies…was difficult, on one level, but then actually quite easy on some others. ._.
More on Thursday.
It’s chaos, so everything here makes absolute sense.
That’s the great thing about the setting! My writing isn’t actually any more (or less) chaotic than it always is, but its sorry state is much more justifiable in these surroundings. XD
Bag of Holding…
But the original version only. In 5e, they’ve nerfed it to a maximum of 64 cubic feet or 500 pounds…even bags of holding aren’t what they used to be, these days…