Poor Mr. Space Tyrant-guy. Just seeing Cthulhu at all is supposed to be quite detrimental to one’s mental health…seeing the Lord of R’lyeh in the throngs of autoerotic activity likely takes the cake as most sanity-blasting sight in the history of ever. (And, no, that’s not a challenge to come up with something worse – it’s just a hyperbolic figure of speech.) For a villain, of course, insanity might actually improve his job performance…
So, FISA bill or not, that was definitely just about the least opportune moment to initiate a secret surveillance program. Although the use of drones qualifies as clever, since most villains don’t bother with that kind of thing – why buy mindless drones when you treat your followers like mindless drones, anyway? But that’s short-sighted: drones are a great tool for a villain for precisely one thing – unlike flesh-and-blood followers, their processing power can be upgraded. >_> For some villains, of course, there really is no good reason to bother with drones: In the Star Wars universe, the most common brand of “secret spy” drones seems to be about football-sized, and conspicuously follows its prey around at short distance, while emitting a lound, humming sound…I wonder what the USP is…
For panel four, I used a picture of an actual octopus as a basis…of course, seeing as it would have to impersonate a creeping horror from beyond the dawn of time, I had to look for one that is a bit this non-euclidian.
That’s it for today, more on Monday. Today’s new voting incentive features somebody whose drones were amongst the most sneaky ever, coincidentally…