Enter the Monster. – Chapter 2, Strip 82

So there he is – the invisible killer, a.k.a. the brainsucker, visible for the very first time. I promised I’d reveal him today, and I actually managed to resist the temptation to drag this out any further – few people who know me would have thought I’d manage to rein me in. In fact, I can hardly believe it myself – I’m so proud of myself at the moment. And it’s good timing, too, given that it’s Halloween week.

Naturally, a good monster doesn’t walk into a movie just *so*. It requires a bravura stage entrance, or as close to one as the director can manage. Seeing how this monster is a lot cuter than Boris Karloff, however, Erik von Strohut decided to start with a close-up, and move the camera out successively, rather than the other way round.

That, plus lightning. In Erik’s opinion, a monster always gains from being illuminated by lightning, outlined against the sky. I’m not quite sure whether the lightning lines up, meterologically, with the serenely falling snow, but that’s secondary. It’s an atmospherical phenomenon, so it’s rightfully employed for atmosphere in cheap horror movies. (Using a rainbow to illuminate a monster is thus equally valid, if often considered not quite as effective.)

You might have noticed that the invisible killer is showing a distinct lack of substance around his abdominal region. That, dear reader, is not simply a little oversight on my part, but actually a conscious contrivance intended to give an indication of the killer’s nature. Also note the eyes. On a completely unrelated note, does he remind you of anybody?

Uh, no, I don’t know how he inserts the straw. Or what happens with the brain matter he consumes, giving his lack of a digestive tract. I guess he just … uh … spiritually consumes his victims’ substance, or some such stuff. This is a tale of supernatural horror, so I invoke Willy’s suspenders of disbelief. (I’ve heard of that.)

What I do know is, that now, after our friends have finally located the piece’s villain, the next step is actually dealing with him – but that’ll have to wait till Monday. Please vote.

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