This strip inaugurates the final little bit of this chapter, which I will charitably refer to as an omake.
Essentially it’s a little peek into the further adventures of Latho on his quest for forgiveness, which will be left unexplored apart from this.
Although this first part doesn’t really look at his further adventures so much as his wider family. And since in fiction family is usually based on appearances, it’s rather inevitable that one other chaos-spreading, egg-traveling alien is on the same family register* as Latho, isn’t it?
The differences in their physical appearance don’t really require much of an explanation, with all of the shape-shifting going on…and the difference in the appearance of their respective space-eggs can be easily explained by preference, as Latho does. It stands to reason that a smooth egg would give you better acceleration and higher top speed than a lumpy one, right? Everyone knows from scifi movies that spaceship design has to follow the principles of aerodynamics even in the absence of aero. And if a smooth egg is faster, it follows automatically that a lumpy one would be more comfortable, since that’s how it works with cars. So what Latho says doesn’t really make any sense at all, but is still eminently reasonable on some level. =P
More on Monday.
* Well, chaos-realm-equivalent of a family register, that is. Record keeping standards are probably a bit fishy in the Realm of Chaos.
Sadly, this reference falls flat on my young self… but hey it’s not the first. At least I see it in term to ask what it is?
That’s a still from a TV-show called “Mork & Mindy”, originally running from 1978 to 1982…so, yeah, the reference is pretty dated, but I thought it should still have some currency because it was the show that put Robin Williams on the map. It’s a fish-out-of-water comedy in which Williams played an Alien who comes to Earth in order to observe human behavior – which ends up confusing him as much as his own bizarre behavior confuses the Earthlings around him. The spaceship he arrives on Earth in is shaped like an egg, and he breaks out of it in the first episode like a hatching chick, which sets the absurdist tone.