Well, how else would Mopey be aware of developments in the magical-girl-genre, unless some friend would had told her about it? I hope you’re not trying to imply she would, herself, have any sort of even the faintest interest in that sort of fare! At the very least, I hope you’re smart enough not to imply that in her presence – unless your reflexes are sharp and your land speed approaches that of a gepard.
That person in a trenchcoat, shades and a wide-brimmed hat, who sometimes hangs out at the very back at screenings by the university’s anime club definitely isn’t Mopey, and I don’t know what even gave you that preposterous idea. >_> And the indisputable fact that Mopey has an alleged friend who is into magical-girl-anime just shows how incredibly tolerant she is, and nothing else. >_>
Other than that, I can only fully agree with Mopey’s observations: This transformation is a lot less pink-colored than her earlier one, but it’s definitely longer…I couldn’t even get it all crammed into one strip, I’m sorry. ^_^; They really have been getting longer all across the whole of the genre and its direct neighbors, though. And this is a first transformation, so cannot be shortened, let alone omitted. One of the iron rules, completely out of my hand. But I swear I’ll start shortening/skipping as soon as admissible, as strong as the temptation might be to recycle this sequence over and over again to save me work. XD
More on Monday.
So Mopey starts dressing up first and in a fancy matter. Guess the guys are up next ’cause they have only done the undressing part of their transformations so far.
About Mopey and knowledge about magical girls: There have been so many dark/deconstruction versions of that genre in the past years that she could claim to be specifically interested in the darker subgenres – or just likes to see magical girls suffer after her own experience. Plus she is a scientist so she can always claim she was looking for reference material – “for science” of course – and that a good survey should always include all groups.
Yeah, there’s a couple of lines of engagement she could follow to create some sort of pretext for her suspiciously deep knowledge of magical-girl-anime. But that helps her only part of the way, because she already considers it embarrassing that she’s able to bear watching it, regardless of the reason. XD
Mopey’s magical girl form is Gothic Lolita? (that makes a lot of sense).
I think it would require more lace to fully qualify as Gothic-Lolita-style, and lace is too hard to draw all the time. XD But it’s that basic idea, at the very least.