So here we have proof positive that the current seat of the plot, as unrecognizable as it has become, is still in some form geographically associated with Japan (and it never was in more than “some form”, given the annoying vagueness surrounding that aspect).
Because in Canada, ‘sad’ only has three degrees of comparison: sad, sadder, saddest*. Only Japanese has an additional, even higher degree of comparison for the word: Sadako, the megalative.
Another interesting take-away from today’s episode is that the disheveled mess at the end of last Thursday’s episode was, in fact, no one else but our dear friend, Professor Mortis. She really hasn’t been that disheveled at any point in time since she’s got tenure…and she’s never ever been Sadako before. She’s kinda admired her, when she was younger, and for a while considered going into the video-production business…but, ultimately, the lure of instant gratification lured her over onto the side of direct physical violence. Waiting a whole week for your victim to die can be pretty boring, after the momentary elation of gloating is past. >_>
And Biff is still alive, too! So, two confirmed survivals already. Still, the outlook remains gloomy…but that might mostly be due to the aura emanating from Sadako!Mopey. It’s hard to soberly assess a situation’s positive potential in her presence, I would bet.
More on Thursday.
*Considering only the English-speaking part of Canada, here. In the French-speaking part, it would be: triste, plus triste, merde totale. Or something along those lines. But they don’t use Sadako, either…naturally, since they rate even higher in happiness than the English-speaking part of the country.**
**In the real world, this is…in this fictional world, if it even has a Canada, and if that Canada even has a French-speaking part, it would probably still have gone to shit alongside everything else.
Admittedly, Mopey plays the role quite well. Though apparently she’s back to her goth roots. I can at least take solace in that fact.
Yeah, I’d bet that, on some level, the dark emptiness currently inside her feels familiar and comforting. XD
Good movie, crap franchise that did not get better with age. Know when to let things die, filmmakers…
Oh, they do! It’s a simple rule of thumb: as long as a movie manages to make back twice its production budget in ticket sales, it’ll get a sequel, with the budget for the sequel depending on how much more the movie made. If it made less than that, no sequel. There are very few exceptions to that simple rule, and the quality of the product or relevancy of a sequel don’t enter into it… XD
We know Snuka is still alive in some form just because he needs to be alive to be able to suffer; or to put it another way, he’s too unlucky to die. Also, his actor is too cheap to be replaced.
Gregory, on the other hand, legitimately has a chance to be dead; if for no other reason than it’d be a return to his roots.
Yeah, plus Snuka also benefits from the heightened survivability that comes with being despicable – aka. the cockroach effect. Everyone might look down on him, but he’ll survive the nuclear holocaust that kills all of them. XD
As for Gregory…interesting thought… …